Sunday, August 2, 2015

Writing in Public - Year 1, Month 8, Days 27-31

Michael Salsbury

My adoption of Dean Wesley Smith's Writing in Public challenge continues.

Last week, I managed over 10,000 words.  That's better than I've done for a while, though not as high as I'd been doing in March and April.

On Monday, I wrote two posts for Begin Brewing (624 words), a post for Columbus Beer Scene (393 words), 7 opening lines (229 words), and a journal entry (664 words) for a total of 1,910 words for the day.  Keeping that up would be good.

On Tuesday, I wrote a post for Introduction to Application Repackaging (920 words) about something I'd experienced at work on Monday.  I also wrote a journal entry about the day (410 words).  I ended the day by writing a post about security for the Windows Desktop Administration blog (629 words).  That generated 1,959 words for the day.

Wednesday I managed only a journal entry (530 words).

Thursday a journal entry (309 words) and 7 more opening lines (262 words) for a total of 571 words.

Friday we went to the Dublin Irish Festival.  Saturday we went on a tour with Columbus Brew Adventures (which will be written about on Columbus Beer Scene eventually) and helped a family member move into a new apartment.  Sunday we attended a family event and I bottled a batch of beer.  No writing was accomplished any of those days.

This made my total output for the week 4,970 words.  For the month of July, a total of 36,992 words.  My output for July was only slightly higher on a words-per-day or total-word basis.  Of the 36,992 words, 10,458 were fiction, 8,319 were journal entries, 825 were notes for future use, and the rest (17,390 words) were blog posts.



Short Stories:
  • The Mimas Object (a story in the Alliance universe): 0 words
  • The Revenant (a story in the Alliance universe):  7,922 words
  • Writing Notes Taken: 0 words
  • Brewing Notes Taken:  825 words
Blogging and Journaling:
  • Alliance of Sentient Lifeforms (ASL): 0 words
  • Begin Brewing: 5,289 words
  • Columbus Beer Scene:  2,525 words
  • How to Write Fiction: 5,505 words
  • Windows Desktop Administration: 629 words
  • This Blog: 2,522 words
  • Journaling:  8,319 words
Opening Lines, Paragraphs, Pages:
  • Opening Lines Written: 63 lines (2,536 words)
  • Opening Paragraphs Written: 29
  • Opening Pages Written: 1

THIS MONTH - TOTAL WORDS: 36,992 (avg. 1,193.3 per day)



Record Word Counts:
  • Day:  8,693 (March 29, 2015)
  • Week:  20,589 (April 6-13, 2015)
  • Month: 56,486 (March 2015)

Month of ChallengeWords WrittenDaysWords/Day
December 201420,75431669.5
January 201516,01831516.7
February 201547,660281702.1
March 201556,486311822.1
April 201545,443301514.8
May 201531,243311007.8
June 201535,779301192.6
July 201536,992311193.3
TOTAL WORDS290,375243
Avg. Words per Day1,195.0

About the Author

Michael Salsbury / Author & Editor

In his day job, Michael Salsbury helps administer over 1,800 Windows desktop computers for a Central Ohio non-profit. When he's not working, he's writing, blogging, podcasting, home brewing, or playing "warm furniture" to his two Bengal cats.


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